We are hugely grateful to Foundations for Farming (our partners in the Conservation Agriculture program) for hosting parents and teachers from the community and schools in which we are working. The training they are receiving here is an indepth extension to the Conservation Agriculture foundation course, and is known as “I was Hungry”. This 2 week residential course goes beyond farming small family plots and includes how to grow and use natural herbs for medicinal purposes as well as larger scale farming – again using only natural methods!! It is through this training that we are able to achieve 3 main objectives:
1. Even the poorest families are able to farm, harvest and eat very well.
2. The program provides a sustainable cycle meaning all nutrition and health needs are taken care of year after year – as well as income generation.
3. The participants learn how to protect and nuture their natural environment even in the harshest conditions.
With the many crises the country and people are enduring, there are very few options available to survive. One parent said “finding a job is impossible, there is no money, no electricity, no food, no medicines available – people are dying from very bad health and malnutrition. I’m so happy to be given this opportunity so my family can do more than just survive, we can actually live well.”
For more information on how you can help us please see this link: