Our work began in 2010 after being inspired by the stories of Esther, Grace and Obert in their heartbreaking struggle to survive each day and their fight to receive an education.  Thanks to our loyal donors, we have transformed their futures and thousands of Zimbabwe’s Children.  Previously, our work focused on a large rural area school providing safe water, nutritious food, infrastructure development and child protection programmes – thereby increasing attendance by 80%.  The experience our Zimbabwean team gained allowed us to expand to 9 more schools and move onto the next stage, using 3 unique and solid programmes…
Jezza Neumann

During our research trips we were astonished at the enormous value children in the country placed on learning and getting to school.  It completely changed the direction of filming and the outcome.

Mr Dhliwayo

Since the Conservation Agriculture skills training my family’s life has been very positively impacted.  We’ve gone from starving hungry to eating well and I have even become a mentor for others in my community.

Di Hammet

It needs both us (financing) and you (managing) to bring about life-changing outcomes, and I’m delighted to offer my own bit of help in a way that quite apparently you make so effective.

Mr Gibson

You can see for yourself how much healthier the children are after the introduction of the feeding program.  The attendance levels are at their highest and children focus well now.  You can visibly see their skin is glowing.

For only £30/year a child in Zimbabwe’s rural schools can receive the benefits of all our programmes – a nutritious meal daily, qualified teachers and sustainable community development.