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February 2018

Bridget’s story

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Bridget lives with her mum and little brother (nicknamed Biggie) in a tin shack in a township just outside Harare.

Bridget and Biggie have excellent school reports!  Their mother is very passionate about education and takes them to school herself every day.  They were skinny, severely malnourished and Bridget has been extremely ill many times due to dehydration and starvation. However, she still insists on going to school and on many occasions her mother has carried her to school on her back.

Since we have managed to support Bridget and her family with donations received which include healthcare, consistent payment of school fees at a better school and nutritious meals twice per day, their health has improved dramatically – they are now hopeful, feeling more energised, happier and healthier.  Look how much Bridget and her brother have grown!

Every rainy season Bridget’s mother has to rebuild their shack several times which brings much distress to them all.  We are delighted to report that we have received funding from 3 very generous donors to build a small two room brick house for Bridget and her family which cost US$3,000 (excluding the stand/land).  Through her hard work and her mother’s dedication they will be a part of changing a destructive cycle for themselves and future generations.

Thank you to everyone who supports Bridget and the many children like her!